So, what's up with the fox?

Stefan, 3/20/2022

Snow falling on a red fox Cute fox enjoys snow (by: Matyas Szendi)

After a long, long procrastination, I've finally decided to get this website up instead of a static page that said I didn't do it 😅. I'm pretty happy about how it turned out. Big shout out to 11ty, netlify, netlify-cms and cloudflare for making this possible. I'll be making a little post about how it all works at some point. I know there are a billion tutorials around for making static website generators, but honestly, it is so easy. It literally took me a weekend to get this whole thing up.

Back to the question at hand, what's up with the foxes everywhere?

The simple answer is: I like them 🥰. A while back, when I started work at my current job, I had to create a Jira account. It then prompted me to select a profile icon. I looked at what people were using currently and seemed like no one had taken the fox one, so I selected it. From then on, I tried to keep that consistent, so everywhere I had to have a profile picture, I'd use a fox. And so, they grew on me. They're big, spoiled, cat-dog creatures 😄.

Nowdays, I use mostly foxes (and sometimes otters) as profile pictures and icons for things in my infrastructure, to make it easier to remember what everything does.